In-Person Or On-Line Sessions
Breakthrough into Brilliance
As Founder of the Eternal Flame Sanctuary in Kaua’i, The Phoenix Code, Light School Mastery Trainings, Soul Awareness Facilitator, and Sacred Ceremonialist, Amoraea’s passion for awakening our ‘Divine Human’ potential has led to a treasury of embodied teachings and events ministering the evolution of the species.
Amoraea is an Initiator who holds the mirror up for your Mastery to become visible and transmute hidden aspects you have veiled yourself from. Through 20 years of consistent internal exploration and esoteric education, ‘The Phoenix Code’ has taken shape as an extensive experiential approach to breaking through our false identity and awakening to our Ecstatic Potential as Divine Humans on a dynamic and infinitely evolving journey.
The single sessions below all provide powerful entry points into Amoraea’s more extensive Trainings and Initiations and can be a perfect place to explore a relationship with his work as a stand-alone experience. These uniquely tailored sessions and personal ceremonies serve to cultivate our heart intelligence and ignite the incredible power that exists within us that is our birthright to release. By recognizing we hold the keys to our own transformation and enlightenment, sessions focus on opening our inner treasury through expanding our awareness and expression of our Essential Self and facing the shadows that keep us hidden in our ego.
Contact me to schedule a session and I will follow up with available times and purchasing details…
Phone Sessions
Though most of the sessions below are in-person, our work over the phone can be powerful for establishing and integrating new circuitry of consciousness and igniting transformation.
Some templates of specific-themed sessions are below
The Resurrection
Ignite the Phoenix Code Within

Consider this a full systems reboot and the initial first session to experience with Amoraea.
There are primal archetypes from which every soul draws upon as a remembrance of their true power…. The Priestess, the Mage, the Healer, the Divine Mother, the King/Queen, the Warrior, etc. Besides these are the invoking of your own unique Soul Code and your Sacred Mission in the world. This Initiation sparks awake your ‘Evolutionary Contract’ and magnifies the powerful presence of your Soul as you re-discover, re-enchant, and re-commit to your unique Earth Walk.
First, we will move into intuitive channeling and uncovering the core wounds and imprints that have kept you from activating your Soul Code, as well as the insights, messages, and energetic seeding of your soul’s true nature. Simply expressed, we invoke a potent field that will catalyze your consciousness to enter a multi-dimensional state where you can touch into your truth deeper. Then we will do the ritual and hands-on energy-work to integrate the new templates and frequencies into your subtle bodies. All the while, this guided ‘shamanic’ journey will propel you into deep attunement with your eternal essence and allow a surrender of your egoic mechanisms.
During this session, expect exalting emotions, tears of remembrance, the tender release of healing, and the ecstasy of truly embodying your Soul.
‘Face Your Dragon’ Ritual
Uncover and Breakthrough Your Core Shadow or Holding Pattern

If you know you’re born for something greater, but haven’t found the courage or initiation to live it… If you’ve touched your Soul’s Light but have trouble sustaining connection and acting from it… If you are always falling short of your potential vision for yourself or don’t even have a clear vision…If you feel stuck in the middle between a Breakdown and a Breakthrough… then this Ritual Session is for you.
Find out what inner Dragon is holding you back and face it!
Your Ritual Includes:
- Intuitive Sourcing of your shadow and its origins
- Ho’opono’pono ~ creating right balance & forgiveness
- Cutting cords, releasing contracts, retrieval of soul fragments
- Powerful death & rebirth initiation to sever the ego’s pattern
- Ritual Return to your Place of Power
- Hands on Energy-Work
- Shamanic healing & vibrational sound healing
Shamanic Vibrational Healing Journey
A Trance Ritual for Soul Retrieval

Vibrational Healing is the medicine of the Ancient Future.
Using an alchemical blend of techniques from 20 years of shamanic facilitation, Amoraea guides you on a journey into multi-dimensional realms, using the didjeridoo and other sound healing tools as a primary component to induce trance states and for healing directly on the body.
Performed in unison with Amoraea’s own composed music recordings, guided transmissions, breathwork, hands-on energy work, and invocations, this is an experience that will rewire, integrate, move mountains of energy, and instill deep revery again for your Soul Path and power.
Results of this Shamanic Journey:
- Soul Retrieval
- Enter Ecstatic & Visionary States
- Melt into Ultimate Relaxation & Regeneration
- Plug into Source Consciousness
- Awaken Kundalini Flows
- Re-establish and/or remember your Soul Potential
- Release ancient contracts and traumas from Soul & Body
Throne of the Ascendant
Egyptian Ritual

Preparation for this transfiguration ritual begins the night before you arrive. You will be given a guided meditation to listen to, soak with prescribed oils and Epsom salts, write down personal commitments and aspects you are releasing, and enter into intentional dreamwork.
We will make full use of our land and the Sanctuary, with ritual Egyptian movements and solar practices that activate the Body Temple. Then we work directly with the Eternal Flame and its true alchemical symbolism on the inner planes, establishing ancient renewed commitments with your Soul, and completing with a burning ritual of outdated aspects you are releasing. The final part of our ritual will take place at the Sanctuary’s Egyptian Throne Chair, where ancient contracts and memories await, beyond any and all lineages, born in the heart of your Soul.
Your Alchemical Initiation Includes:
- Feet washing ceremony of purification
- Activating the circuitry of the higher bodies of light
- Sahu Breath * Raising the Djed up the spine
- Opening the Shakti Circuit
- Sacred Oil Anointing
- Drinking a special elixir from the Golden Chalice
- Descent of Power at the Throne of the Ascendant
- Establishing your Earth Guardianship
Ecstatic Breathwork Journey
Rebirth, Clear, Exalt

Conscious activation of our energy field through accelerated guided breath brings us into direct connection with our Essential Core. Oxygen is a carrier wave for light to enter into our auric and cellular body to raise our vibrational state and transmit our intentions into the Universal Field.
Through this powerful rebirthing session, we explore your body’s capacity to self-organize, heal, and re-pattern into a higher state through breath, sound, and movement. This journey will create an intimate awareness that allows the unconscious, unseen forces inside you to express themselves. I can not express how deep this process can be for most people ~ anything is possible and everything is accessible from your Higher Self through this guided process that breaks the mold of your normal consciousness.
Results of this breakthrough experience:
- Activate circuitry of your physical & Light body
- Awaken Kundalini and Source Consciousness
- Enter Ecstatic States & Total Rejuvenation
- Surrender into True Heart Vulnerablity
- Transcend limited patterns
- Dive into Your Inner Sea of Untapped Potential
- Get Liberated !
Awakening the Inner Nectars
Ecstatic Somatic Therapy

Every Body is designed to be an open conduit for ecstatic Source energies to flow through and share with nature and those around them. Through cultural conditioning, emotional trauma, & stagnant lifestyle, we have lost touch with our body’s beauty, power, and dynamic ability to tap into the energetic nourishment we need in any moment. In this session, we intimately explore your body as a fluid system that is Self-healing, regenerating, and guided by a Universal Intelligence.
The session draws on elements of Emilie Conrad’s pioneering “Continuum” process, intuitive somatic movements with breath to reorganize stuck patterns, and energetic healing massage and chi flows. Our session will begin with an assessment and counseling of where your blocks are on emotional, mental and physical levels that you are ready to move, through this profound process …VERY POWERFUL
A Treasure Box for you to:
- Cultivate ecstasy, essence, & nectars within the body
- Increase receptivity & heighten Sense-uality
- Expands trust in your inherent body wisdom
- Light up the spine & activate Kundalini
- Release, relax & realign YOU at every level
- Revitalize bones, joints, tissue & cells
- Access an infinite source of nourishment
- Activate endogenous DMT in the pineal gland.
Alchemical Marriage Ceremony
True ‘Heiros Gamos’

In Ancient Times, myriad cultures practiced rituals to unite the masculine and feminine energies (these days most frequently coined ‘Heiros Gamos’). But this fusion can’t truly take hold within us until we have married our own Soul, and consecrated a full body communion with the Divine.
This ceremony will open the eternal tantric courtship between all the parts of you, as you lay yourself upon the Altar of Divine Love. Dissolve every pathway, burn every bridge, and cross the threshold into ecstatic rapture. Discover what it means to be ‘Mastered by Love.’
Our Journey includes:
- Guidance on what both your Feminine & Masculine energies need for alignment
- Ritual ceremony to unite Masculine & Feminine energies, Soul & human aspects, etheric & physical tantras.
- How to surrender resistance to divine union & your blocks to love at every level
- True Fulfillment & Absorption into the wholeness your were born from
- Tailored practices to restore balance & nourish your inner marriage
- Transmissions & Prayers to carry you Home to Remembrance
Breath of the Goddess
Reawaken Feminine Power & Primordial Womb Ceremony

You know you are an embodiment of the Goddess — Her primordial energies are harnessed into form through YOUR empowerment, which will liberate the whole planet from Its chains. So why are you not living from this power?
You ache to live wild, full, unbounded in your expression, without limits, and be free to create spontaneously in every moment. Wombyn have been torn away from their primal connection with their womb-center, which is the Universal Grail, the Holy of Holies, and the place of Light Conception that can be reclaimed and used to tap into your Divinity, as well as the Womb of the World and the Universal Womb.
This ritual and healing has evolved from organically working with so many wombyn who are not living from their own source energy. Whether it was their intention and awareness or not, our sessions would intuitively move into clearing struggles with their feminine essence, past or present life traumas with men, societal disempowerment, and ultimately activate their full embodiment as a Priestess carrying and serving the Grail Codes, or simply stated, alive within their Feminine Power.
Ceremony includes:
- Heal past lives & present traumas repressing your feminine power
- Re-Sanctify your connection to Mother Goddess & Gaia
- Activate your Shakti at every level
- Re-birth & heal your perinatal experience
- Consecrate, purify, & potentiate your womb space
- Reclaim your Innate Power as a wombyn