8 Modules of Mystic teachings, meta-programming principles & alchemical practices seamlessly woven with energetic transmissions & divinely inspired rituals for attaining Creator Consciousness
The ‘Awakened Dreamer’ state issues out of a connection to ‘Causal Awareness’ or what some traditions call your ‘I AM Presence.’ Rarely is this state taught except in advanced esoteric teachings. This is the stage of waking out of the dream of this reality as a passive character and truly becoming LUCID as the Cause of your Creation instead of the effect of circumstance.
The Imaginarium is your training ground to rapidly dissolve the stories, patterns & belief systems that have kept you spinning in a dream without being fully awake. Your dream may even seem really beautiful and you’re taking steps for it to be more harmonious and ‘sacred’, but if you haven’t truly woken out of it, it’s still defining who you are!
Along this path, you will shift your perspective to a radical new sense of identity and of what is possible in your realm. Together we will entrain to the Miracle Frequency together, discover how to Create Reality from the inside out, and live from the higher intelligence of your I AM Presence.
From this vantage point, you can dissolve your fixed identity, look deeper into your Soul’s purpose, understand the Matrix of Creation, and synchronize the timelines of your highest destiny. There will be no limit to what you can manifest, but more importantly, what you will evolve into.

Advance through rapid openings in Causal Awareness and non-dual reality usually only taught to adepts in spiritual traditions
Discover the hyperdimensional structure of Creation so you can tap the full range of its miraculous design
Contact the Genetic Mind of the Human Species & engage the evolutionary feedback loop with your future Meta-Self
Work with a comprehensive cosmological framework of our Soul origins, primary purpose & ultimate capacities written into the Blueprint of our Creation
Powerful practices to spiritually unite with loved ones, see the higher design in your relationships & transcend karmic limitations
Transcend the fear of death and touch your Infinite Nature


Full color eBook
10 Keys to Ignite the Phoenix Within

Audio Meditation
Radiant Force of Love

35-minute video
35-minute video Soul Mastery and Aligning with True Will

* Connecting clearly, intimately & ecstatically with your Soul *
* Entraining with the Living Holographic Universe *
* Directing your awareness toward the Infinite ~ a domain of limitless potential *
But manifestations are no more our goal than the Magician’s goal is to prove his talents to an audience. The Magician or the Alchemist is utilizing Creation as an experimental ground to advance her consciousness and return to ‘The Creator State.’
Throughout these 8 weeks (or done at your own pace whenever you wish), you will absorb a wisdom codex of high-leveraging insights and monumental perspective shifts that will rewire your primary understanding of who you are, why you truly came here, and the steps to fulfill your core ‘Soul Purpose’ commitments, which only happens when you attain a certain level of spiritual awareness of yourself.
You will work on 3 specific manifestations built around your primary core purpose of your life, all as a way to practice A.dvanced R.eality C.reation… that is, how to ARC your soul into this world.
From your new non-linear holographic awareness state achieved in the Immersion and our collective entrainment field, you will anchor your highly refined and up-leveled requests from the Universe.
✔ Sense 'Timelines of Highest Destiny' and navigate reality in alignment with your Soul
✔ Train the Power of your Multi-dimensional Mind
✔ Experience and interact with the Holographic Universe more effectively and live in ‘Miracle Frequency’ consistently.
✔ Step into ‘Awakened Leadership’ as a New Earth Oracle.
✔ Deepen trust in your connection with Source
✔ Learn tools to sustain your frequency amidst the chaos & challenges.

For those ready to advance quickly along their Embodied Ascension process, this Training will propel you through these processes:
✔ Meet your Inner Master Council and activate a network of incredible support to manifest your dreams & propel your Soul evolution
✔ Activate your higher senses – learn techniques that launch you into an enhanced brainwave state where you can interact with & perceive the ‘invisible’ realms
✔ Holographic Timeline Techniques – learn several techniques to optimize your timeline, shift events & create in true alignment with your Soul’s Destiny
✔ The Awakened Dreamer Flowstate – uplevel your reality with the daily protocol I do to optimize my flow state to accomplish my highest visions, advance spiritually and live from ‘ever-expanding perfection’
✔ Dissolve your ego structure to emerge into Mandalic Consciousness (a.k.a. the ‘Jeweled Network’), the next stage in human evolution
✔ Upgrade your Human Operating System with Conscious Language and learn hacks in your subconscious which unlock your highest reality
This is a Training you can do in your own time and pace. Each of the 8 Modules, you will progress through 2.5 hours of video transmissions, guided audio meditations, written materials and homework. All materials are held on the incredible ‘Thinkific.com’ teaching platform, making it easy to progress through the chapters and their separate lessons, and save your place where you left off. Go at your own pace ~ though designed as an 8-week training, some may decide to move through faster and create a more immersive experience, or slower to really leverage each teaching & practice the materials

In this Immersion, you will learn what it takes to create from the inside out. You will have the opportunity to write a new story of life - one beyond your current dreams, and activate the deeper power of your Soul, as well as transform blockages that have been holding you at bay. We each are here to experience our own Soul’s Legacy, what we have scripted into this lifetime, and bring that into fruition as the expression of our innermost essence.
As in the ancient temples of Greece, Egypt, India & the Essenes, this Immersion will not only teach you the progressive steps of awakening the Soul, but ritually guide you through initiatory experiences that anchor wisdom directly in to your body. See where your ego has been running the show still and what must be surrendered to experience your infinite and unchanging eternal presence. We can only become an ‘Awakened Dreamer’ once we see how we have been asleep by believing our false identity is real.
Now is the time to re-engineer anything in our personal life that no longer serves us, as well as holographically shift those patterns out of the morphogenetic field of Humanity. We will practice & experience anchoring the uniquely embodied codes that each of us carry as oracles of the New Earth Council. Simply by holding an impeccable presence of attunement to our Wisdom Body, we emanate what is possible as conscious awakened Divine Humans.
We’ve all heard the saying, ‘Be in the Here and Now.’ The real question though is, how big is your ‘Here and Now’? Learn techniques that will pop you out of linear constructs and grant you access to a more primary level of time, consciousness & reality.
If ‘manifestation’ is what you want, this is one of the re-orientations necessary to change how you attract events. But ultimately it will change the REASONS and the FORMS of what you want as you start sensing and surrendering to ’Timelines of Highest Destiny.’
‘Access Infinity’ is a core alignment process that entrains us to the infinite potential of the Singularity or Zero Point consciousness. Our acute connection to Infinity causes a secret shift in awareness that allows miracles, re-orients our relationship to Source/Divine/God, and pulls us into multi-dimensional capacities. This ALSO happens to be the core shift required for manifestation abilities!
Then, through a ritual and re-commitment to what is more core than any belief system, anything that has happened to you in the past, any thought that has defined your reality, you will plug back in to the Universal Circuit of your True Self. From here, Reality will become your perfect feedback system showing you exactly how powerful you are, proving it over and over and over again.
The Imaginarium has an implicit purpose of service to the awakening of consciousness of Humanity. We’re here to contribute to the building of the most extraordinary leap a species can take, regardless of whether we see the results in our lifetime. Simply put, we are part of an ongoing Legacy that extends beyond our local self.
Imaginarium Training offers an experience of the new progressive stages of enlightenment through merging with greater and greater ‘mandalas of consciousness.’ We will also practice ‘Overlighting’, which is our Soul’s function to raise the vibration of the field around us and contribute to the opening of new circuits of energy on the planet and in others.
You will learn what I consider to be the fastest way to enlightenment ~ how to commune with an inner master, your own Ascended Self, a deity, Gaia, even the soul of a friend, through progressive levels until you are united with their eternal virtuous qualities and can experience reality as they do. See through the eyes of God, Gaia, a deity or master and instantly step into their framework of consciousness that before would have just been a worshipping or perception of something outside of you.
Increasingly we ascend to finer and subtler levels of awareness, where our inner senses traverse the many dimensions. Beyond that, we then enter the first levels of non-dual awareness and situate ourselves in pure Soul consciousness. Rarely taught in normal meditation classes, these pathways that move into total unity with the Divine, allow us to naturally divest ourselves from our dual mind, and our ego driven thoughts.
With our pure Soul Diamond awareness we enter and merge with the field of All Creation, dissolving imprints and opening ourselves to the higher truth of Oneness. We will practice these states to build reliable abilities of perception of these levels or reality.

Amoraea’s training as an Initiator is the secret to the success of this work. His formulated process of awakening fundamental capacities within you draws from his immersive 25 years into the alchemical secrets from ancient tantric lineages, shamanic healing, quantum energetic principles & Soul-centered transpersonal psychology.
He has facilitated over 20 transformational retreats, founded a successful retreat center and event temple in Kaua’i, offers global experiences in Soul Awareness, is a successful musician, visionary artist & author
Amoraea combines sacred teachings, empowerment rituals, meta-programming principles & inner technologies for breaking through your false identity and discovering your ecstatic potential on life’s dynamic and infinitely evolving journey.
He has dedicated his entire life mapping the Soul’s path towards enlightenment and the higher stages of consciousness as well as the pitfalls along the path, the demons that haunt our psyche, and common fears that keep us trapped in self-created prisons. He has created a system called ‘The Phoenix Code’ for breaking through your false identity and discovering your ecstatic potential on life’s dynamic and infinitely evolving journey.
Amoraea has helped thousands reach more miraculous and richer experiences of Self-Realization and interact with the Holographic Universe by understanding the nature of consciousness and the quantum field. Currently he provides multiple platforms online to access his teachings as well as live events in Australia and the United States.
Visit his primary websites:
here is what to expect:

18 hours of video transmissions
8 modules each with 2 to 2.5 hours of videos separated into core lessons

7 audio guided journeys
During the week, you will practice these core techniques to advance your evolution through the course work

65 pages of written materials
Detailed descriptions along with magnificent imagery provide you homework, integrations & more wisdom

Dedicated ongoing support
Dedicated ongoing support afterwards through post-livestreams & synchronized collective DAILY meditations to continue stabilizing the new states we achieve together (priceless bonus!)

Facebook group
Ongoing support from Amoraea and connection with the other Imagineers

BONUS: ‘Soul Mastery Training’ Video
Receive a 2.5-hour wisdom transmission, loaded with techniques, ritual, and cutting-edge leveraging concepts to live an alchemical lifestyle

BONUS: Divine Human Blueprint Course
Receive my entire 65-page full-color (digital) Divine Human Blueprint Course Manual ($33 value)

BONUS: Private Session with Amoraea
Receive a 75-minute Transformational Session for $100 instead of $144
The exchange for this special training is $350 USD
This Training offers you an in-depth exploration of the progressive levels of illumination to also enhance your effectiveness in the realm of Creation. I guarantee a full spectrum transformation if you truly apply this sequence of alchemical techniques, rituals, and processes, or will refund your money within the first 10 days if you are not satisfied. Take the first step with me as an energetic commitment to your Soul’s evolution.

The process of alchemy requires us to cleanse the dross and dissolve the veils by first recognizing the ways we’ve been unconsciously playing in ‘The Matrix.’ When we are operating in deep resonance & alignment with who we truly are and what our deepest purpose is, then our personal fulfillment & level of impact increases exponentially
From this level of reality you will feel oneness as an experience, and receive answers from a deeper or higher level of reality. As a result you will be more & more in alignment with this deeper part of you, and most importantly you will accelerate in your spiritual evolution.

An essential purpose of these holographic techniques and experiences is to translate your deepest visions into tangible manifestations, freeing your most authentic expression, power & impact in the world so you can fulfill your purpose and experience what you truly desire.

As we experience our own inner holographic universe change, we literally start to see real-time changes in our surrounding environment to match our vibration. Come co-create a miraculous space where we support the common vision we each wish to see in the world, and live more and more from that inner state fulfilled.
Do you have any Questions?

“The Imaginarium Training was an incredible journey that shook the shackles of suffering from the wheels of Karma in order to remember, reclaim and reactivate my true Nature, being One with Divine Source Love. It was a sacred container where I could expand my Spiritual capacity to greater and greater possibilities while remaining grounded within the Pure Soul of Humanity.
Amoraea crafted a seamless Union between Masculine Ascension practices and Feminine Embodiment wisdoms, offering a clarion call to rise in brilliance above the ways of the old, while encouraging breath, connection & a wild open heart to enjoy anew the nectar of life within & without. Effortlessly, he wove the Mastery and the Mystery with purpose, intuitive integrity, insight, tenderness, joy & compassion, holding clear presence in pure service to all who attended.
Pristine, out of time meditations awakened a true remembrance within the mind, a remembrance of eternal innocence, of Divine Whole Love embracing Oneness. This remembrance ignited and activated the practical life manifestations modules, and I found myself excited to call forth visions, to dream big, to be bold, to enjoy the play and discovery of creating in Soul alignment. Such exercises anchored real and tangible shifts within my being and the very cells of my body.”
~ Claire Evans
“Amoraea and the Imaginarium container hold the codes you need to remember right now for your evolution. “I just knew I was supposed to be here” we all said – and found fractals of ourselves in the depth of each other’s eyes. Cosmonauts in human guise, we answered a summons to leap into quantum sovereign communion together. Every moment was the tantra of be~ing… and laugh – oh did we laugh! Nourishment, in the fullest and most complete sense of the word.
There is what Amoraea says and does, and there is what Amoraea IS. It is the infusion of his unique frequency into the guided experiences that catalyses seismic and subtle shifts.
All parts of you will be loved into being, and you will exit the container with greater agency in your chosen life expression, quantum entangled with all life in powerfully good ways.”
~ Giselle Jennaway (Starseed-Agency.Earth)
This training has influenced my life in ways I cannot measure, I feel like a completely upgraded version of myself! It initiated the next evolutionary shift of higher consciousness in me and connected me closer to my Soul. So many new doors are opening for me as a result of this training. What a powerful embodied, multidimensional experience, deeply impacting every area of my life ….Amoraea is an extraordinary teacher and guide who is deeply dedicated to the liberation of human potential through personal mastery. He upholds this with his whole being and his energy has shifted paradigms within my reality.
~ Veronika Scurr
I find myself re-using many of the techniques I learned throughout my days of the Imaginarium Training, and the access I have to high-voltage energy is unparalleled. He is an excellent facilitator and has a deep understanding of who we are on a multidimensional level. His teachings give you a direct connection into your own infinite wisdom so that you don’t need to look outside of yourself for answers.
Amoraea bestows the energy and wisdom of a great Master and shares how to unlock the keys to the Universe with his loving and super charged teachings. He also teaches how to overlay and merge with Supreme Beings so that we have access to infinite layers of reality. My connection to Source has never been clearer or more profound. I would recommend this training to ANYONE who is ready to lift the illusion of the veil and tap into and operate from a deeper, richer state of BEING.
~ Annamarie Masson
The word ‘transformation’ is an understatement of what can occur within this Imaginarium course. Miracles are now occurring daily! Divine Reverence for the Human Experience and how undone and rewoven my being is feeling! Deep gratitude for the Living Lights as Amoraea embodies and shares what he practices and its more powerful than what words or teachings do. Presence is the power!
For anyone wondering what and how to navigate more of their potential as a human to access the consciousness that breathes us here, this course will catapult you into a greater depth and height you have yet to discover. Every course I have taken with Amoraea has left me with a big transformation in energy, consciousness and an upgrade in my own operating system!
I am grateful that as we do the upgrading work the resonance radiates out the outdated programs and we being human must allow the process to take its course!
~ Hailey Dawn
“The transmissions were monumental and the meditations extraordinary, shifting my perspective to a new sense of what is possible. This was true heart-coherence and alchemical transformation into living and loving in the higher intelligence of our Christed selves.
Feeling so sacredly held within this experience to show up in my undefended innocence, has allowed for the dissolution of long held woundings entangled within my own egoic nature to continue to fall away. Today, I sit, in the unfoldment of duality with a newfound commitment and awareness to awaken from the dream within the dream… to surrender any attachments to the mini-deaths and also to the ‘wow-full’ spherical miracle of awakenings as I ease back into humanity consciousness. I feel deeply the path from conceptual reality to embodiment of myself as a sensual being has a luminosity to it like never before.”
~ Mia Sophia
The Imaginarium Training is an exquisite blend of grounded, highly effective, evidence-based processes from the fields of psychology, neuro-science and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coupled with higher cosmic learning and esoteric wisdom of metaphysical principles exploring identity, possibility and the very nature of consciousness itself.
Amoraea achieves a seamless marriage of these fields, all delivered with clarity, creativity and grace, within a superbly orchestrated multi-media format, enriched and glued together by scintillating poetic language, uplifting graphics, and beautiful art and music, to make this a gloriously entertaining as well as a transformative experience.
The depth, breadth and range of the material in the eight modules is truly unique. As a practising psychologist who has been deeply committed to my own spiritual journey for over thirty years, and no novice to workshop trainings, I was introduced to new teachings, and raised to great heights of spiritual consciousness. I have learned skills and practices, generously shared, which I will use for the rest of my life. Each module was an exciting journey, each day full of surprises and delight. The meditations spin and weave magic, a jewelled necklace linking one part of the training to the next. They are masterful, magical, glorious.
I have come out of this program more fully awake, more optimistic about my own potential and the potential and magnificence of the human race, more confident about how to live my own dream and be of service for the greatest good of all concerned.
~ Wendy Bloom McAra (Psychologist)
It is rare to find a study with this range and breadth. The precision and the poetry of Amoraea’s guided meditations are beyond what I could hitherto have imagined. These continue to be a multi-faceted diamond pebble perpetually dropping into my well as I dip my cup into the recordings again and again.
The glorious, delightful and profound cosmology of the Imaginarium is a stunningly radical creation – and also a vehicle for living. Amoraera is creating something truly original that weaves together some of the oldest and newest approaches to consciousness , contributing a multitude of refined jewels to this masterpiece of what it is to be human: an unfolding, breathing teaching that is also a living work of art.
If there is an antidote to the challenge/adventure of living on this planet right now, this is it. The real shot in the arm we all need.
I can’t wait for part 2, and 3 and 4 and so-on to infinity. Please sign me up to the Imaginarium Frequent Flyer Lounge.
~ Gina Bloom
(Transpersonal Psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner)
This course has been a beautiful stabilization of my I Am presence and a deepening into my awareness of my ability to co-create with the highest timelines and all the loving entities that I am connected with. Amoraea held such exquisite space with his loving presence and poetic linguistic architecture, sculpting meditations and streams of consciousness that are sure to take you to your text level of Being and Creating. I continue to expand and ground all I have learnt and I AM deeply great-full for this course and experience. I AM so excited for what will unfold next.
~ Layla May
I could not have even “imagined” how powerful and supportive the Imaginarium course training would be, it was beyond my fondest dreams and expectations!! I see and feel Amoraea to be a very pure embodiment of Divine love and light and service to the people! He is truly a master guide to support us all who are called to his teachings to ground our highest potential embodiment through this ascension time of awakening on planet earth to feel more connected to our timeless and immortal essence. I really appreciate findings the new connections of fellow light workers & healers from around the world, to feel our connection from a multi dimensional sphere of higher consciousness. I would highly recommend this course training and program to anyone who wishes to up-level and take a quantum leap in their daily practice to stay grounded, centered and aligned, on fire with your soul purpose to show up in this world as the magnificent soul that you were born to be!
~ Kiara Astara

Our curriculum is designed to accelerate your spiritual practice and soul’s expression in the world, no matter where you are in your journey. The IMAGINARIUM is for those seeking next-level expansions in creating powerful inner foundations to sustain their highest frequency. You have a dedicated guide walking with you through your revelations & awakenings as well as your deepest shadows, to open the fearless path towards your destiny.