This is an 8-week online training for full-spectrum transformation to discover your true power, accelerate through core lifetime limitations, and become an Advanced Reality Creator. Compressed into 9 modules, you will receive the most advanced tools, techniques & teachings from Amoraea’s 25 years of alchemical training in the most practical and accessible form.
Through a carefully sequenced progression of experiential journeys, wisdom transmissions, ceremonies and advanced guided techniques, you will uncover hidden blocks and awaken stages of true freedom by transmuting karmic energies and stabilizing your Truth-sense.
This initiatory training will advance you along your Soul Path as a virtual Modern Mystery School, held in an etheric temple to engage the Master Within You. The temples of ancient civilizations were the original training grounds where initiates learned to embody the principles of spiritual and life mastery, as well as propel them towards their unique gifts.
Your work will feel more akin to a Sacred Initiation or Rite of Passage. Be prepared to radically awaken your inherent powers as a Reality Creator and become a radiant force of love for Humanity as you ascend the Mystic’s Ladder. Evoke the Master within you that can engage life in ecstatic alignment with your Life’s Mission and is capable of opening doors to the realities that matter most to you.

Receive a progressive series of Light-Code Activations and quantum jumps in consciousness that follow the original 7 ˜Operations of Alchemy™ secretly passed down from many esoteric traditions through the Ages, but now delivered for the accelerated frequencies of our time.
Each week, you will progress through a wisdom teaching on specific archetypal forces, challenges, and initiations that every student faces in that ‘Operation,’ and then ground the concepts specific to your life through transforming your own belief patterns and limitations.
In each progressive Operation, an unfolding revelation about who you are behind the veils and masks of personality will then free your consciousness to activate a higher-dimensional expression of your True Self.
These are the steps towards sovereignty, freedom, and the riches of the human treasure that you are. Please explore with me what the Alchemists of many esoteric spiritual traditions have kept hidden for only those who are willing to do the work.

Each of these processes are fundamental to any human who wishes to embody Self-Mastery. We take you through integrated journeys and guided experiences that reveal the inner workings of your psyche and then consciously transform mind, body and heart energetics to support your Ascension
Awaken your Divine Human Blueprint through these 10 Alchemical keys to Embodied Self-Mastery:

1. Shadow Ally
Re-engineer your relationship to your shadows & dissolve core wounds through rEvolutionary Rituals

6. Quintessence
Develop the Power of your Multi-dimensional Consciousness in order to interact with the Holographic Universe and manifest your inner & outer dreams

2. Tracking
Learn a master technique for tracking any misalignments, attachments & subconscious operating systems to transform them into alchemical gold within minutes

7. Alchemical Marriage
Transform what has kept you from offering your entire being at the Altar of the Divine and living from Open Heart Ecstasy

3. Master Initiations
Receive direct energetic transmissions from your inner-plane Master Teachers and increase your ability to communicate with them

8. Original Innocence
Be reborn in the ‘Garden of Eden’ beyond judgment where you can re-create every relationship, live without fear, and drop your stories of victimhood

4. Elixirs
Ignite the inner elixirs & turn on your master glands to produce the Rainbow LightBody of the Mystics

9. Veil-Lifting
Face the hidden sabotages that steal your power & clarity so you can live from radical openness & intuitive heart guidance

5. Soul Sovereignty
Awaken Your Evolutionary Contract to accelerate your full potential in this lifetime. Make a new Soul Commitment to Living your Legacy

10. Spiral Helix
Discover & anchor the next steps in your Soul’s Evolution and learn the art of being ‘Perpetually Reborn’
Each of these processes are fundamental to any human who wishes to embody Self-Mastery. We take you through integrated journeys and guided experiences that reveal the inner workings of your psyche and then consciously transform mind, body and heart energetics to support your Ascension
Awaken your Divine Human Blueprint through these 10 Alchemical keys to Embodied Self-Mastery:

1. Shadow Ally
Re-engineer your relationship to your shadows & dissolve core wounds through rEvolutionary Rituals

2. Tracking
Learn a master technique for tracking any misalignments, attachments & subconscious operating systems to transform them into alchemical gold within minutes

3. Master Initiations
Receive direct energetic transmissions from your inner-plane Master Teachers and increase your ability to communicate with them

4. Elixirs
Ignite the inner elixirs & turn on your master glands to produce the Rainbow LightBody of the Mystics

5. Soul Sovereignty
Awaken Your Evolutionary Contract to accelerate your full potential in this lifetime. Make a new Soul Commitment to Living your Legacy

6. Quintessence
Develop the Power of your Multi-dimensional Consciousness in order to interact with the Holographic Universe and manifest your inner & outer dreams

7. Alchemical Marriage
Transform what has kept you from offering your entire being at the Altar of the Divine and living from Open Heart Ecstasy

8. Original Innocence
Be reborn in the ‘Garden of Eden’ beyond judgment where you can re-create every relationship, live without fear, and drop your stories of victimhood

9. Veil-Lifting
Face the hidden sabotages that steal your power & clarity so you can live from radical openness & intuitive heart guidance

10. Spiral Helix
Discover & anchor the next steps in your Soul’s Evolution and learn the art of being ‘Perpetually Reborn’
Amoraea’s training as an Initiator is the secret to the success of this work. His formulated process of awakening fundamental capacities within you draws from his immersive 25 years into the alchemical secrets from ancient tantric lineages, shamanic healing, quantum energetic principles & Soul-centered transpersonal psychology.
He has dedicated his entire life mapping the Soul’s path towards enlightenment and the higher stages of consciousness as well as the pitfalls along the path, the demons that haunt our psyche, and common fears that keep us trapped in self-created prisons.
Amoraea combines sacred teachings, empowerment rituals, meta-programming principles & inner technologies for breaking through your false identity and discovering your ecstatic potential on life’s dynamic and infinitely evolving journey.

We invite you to discover the secret ladder of awakening your Soul Awareness and climb the 7 Levels of Consciousness with us, to help unite with your eternal essence in order to manifest your Heaven on Earth.
Our training modules are accessible wherever you are on your Soul Path. You will experience a profound shift at each level of your being and bring transformation to your relations, business, purpose & spiritual evolution.
The places inside you that you have come to accept as your limitations over the years will fall away.

Gain psychological tools & learn how to holographically re-frame any problems, transform blockages & reprogram your belief systems.

Re-create your past so you can live your purpose.

Access the Akashic Records of your Soul.

Translate your deepest visions into tangible manifestations.

Meet a Master Teacher who will work with you for the duration of the Training and beyond.

Free your most authentic expression and power so you can fulfill your purpose, make an impact, and experience what you truly desire.

This immersive course is for everyone who senses the potential for more multi-dimensional communion with Self, others & the Divine. If you feel trapped by your demons of doubt or are sensitive & exhausted by the conditions of the world, then learn these invaluable skills to transform sabotaging patterns in your hidden psyche. If you are ready to change lifelong imprints of worthiness, victimhood, woundologies & outdated stories, this training is for you. You will establish clear alignment with your own essence as well as direct guidance for your unfolding spiritual path.

Join this advanced 8-Week online training and do at your own pace

Satisfaction Guaranteed Your entry into this accelerated training will leave you permanently transformed, or your money back within the first 14 days.
His uniquely designed intensives, trainings, personal & private ceremonies of initiation serve to cultivate our heart intelligence and remembrance that we are embodiments of Divine Love, that an incredible power exists within us and that it is our birthright to release it. By recognizing we hold the keys to our own transformation and enlightenment, his focus is on providing tools and experiences that release the Inner Master within each of us.
He has helped thousands reach more miraculous and richer experiences of Self-Realization and interact with the Holographic Universe by understanding the nature of consciousness and the quantum field.
Currently he provides multiple platforms online to access his teachings as well as live events in Australia and the United States.
Visit his primary website https://phoenixcode.org/

here is what to expect:

18+ hours of professional recordings
This includes a 90-minute bonus video to activate your new timeline of manifestation

3 hours of audio guided journeys
8 separate audio meditations to advance your evolution through the course work

44 pages of written materials
Full-color PDF eBooks provide you homework, integrations & more wisdom between each module

BONUS: ‘Sacred Mirrors’ Module
Receive an entire module from my 5-Week Sacred Mirrors Training ~ 2.5 hour video, 5-page PDF and 20-minute guided audio meditation ($50 value)

BONUS: Divine Human Blueprint Course
Receive my entire 65-page full-color (digital) Divine Human Blueprint Course Manual ($33 value)

BONUS: Private Session with Amoraea
Receive a 75-minute Transformational Session for $100 instead of $144

BONUS: Two 90-minute supplemental video recordings
Additional powerful transmissions with rituals and extra materials

You can do the course at your own pace. Some have done a session each day for a powerpacked intensive, and others will allow a week for each module

Whatever you decide, commit to accomplishing the work in a timeframe that will maximize your transformation

Do the prescribed integration work outside of the main sessions in order to build the necessary momentum for making the most of each module

“To anyone considering participating in this training, it has my highest recommendation: it is encoded with such a brilliant diversity of concepts and embodiment protocols plus sheer energetic transmissions and guidance that will activate you to a completely new level of consciousness and support you in fully becoming the alchemist-leader-visionary that you have always been destined to be. This was one of the most potent journeys I’ve ever experienced not to mention over Zoom! The container was unbelievably potent although I expected this to be the case, sensing into the clarity and presence Amoraea encodes into the field.
It’s always challenging to give words to an experience that is so profoundly transformational on the energetic, psycho-spiritual and emotional levels ~ it felt like a divine recipe for birthing New Earth pillars here to completely embody our divinity. I feel so supported in the container Amoraea holds and I received so much simply in witnessing him tune in and share his gifts with all of us. I will revisit this material many times over as its value is truly priceless and contains such depth that one would be wise to receive numerous times to fully integrate what is on offer.”
~ Sydney Campos
“I feel launched on the tailwind of the evolutionary impulse, thanks to the light and leadership of Amoraea. The tools Amoraea offers are extremely helpful in going forward to keep the flame of commitment burning bright. Speaking for myself, after this training, there is no turning back.
Amoraea is so aligned with his essential self and masterfully holds space for the shedding of outdated false identifications so that we may be free to shine our brightest light. His skills and level of evolution are exceptionally geared to assist those who are ready and hunger for the greatest evolution they are capable of in this lifetime. Listening to Amoraea is extremely catalytic for such souls.”
~ Muriel Lindsay, author, teacher, healer
“Amoraea took us through every phase of initiation, and whatever I had already worked on or started clearing could now be addressed for good.
It felt to me like time stood still every time we all came together, and I just loved listening to the explanations that were exposed in a light, generous and very clear way. The whole path of initiation and inner Alchemy makes so much more sense to me now, and I learned a lot.
It feels to me that whatever one has done to improve his or her incarnation so far will be sublimely and profoundly transformed by this course, and by Amoraea’s loving presence.
Amoraea doesn’t just look like an Angel that walks Earth, he most certainly is a Being that holds that space of Onenness in incarnation, and I deeply wish this course to touch many many Beings, for it has helped me so much.”
~ Victoria Vicente
“Amoraea’s 9 day course was a divine experience with many magical moments of delightful revealings. We journeyed into our shadows and also into our higher self energy and the processes were very grounded and held in a safe and loving container. Amoraea has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge that he shared willingly. It is obvious he has experienced many levels of healing in his own journey, the true alchemical life. It was a deep process and so many delightful confirmations are presenting a few days after completing the course.”
~ Donna Cole
“I love your spirit so much and how you pour depth, structure, and detail into all your classes. I felt like I was taking a master class from a master teacher. All of the sacred ceremonies, healing meditations, and spiritual psychology were a winning combination for my healing process. It truly feels like I had a soul massage, and I’m much more connected to my soul on a deeper level than before. Old wounds and sediment from my past elationships came up for me to see my shadows and transmute them into the Sun’s firelight. I appreciated your guidance every step of the way and how you created a safe live online space for all of us women. I’m so happy I courageously said yes to your Soul Mastery training. I can’t wait to weave all this high frequency into my holistic healing practice!”
~ Krista Gardner
“With Amoraea I feel safe to share everything. It seems whatever my issue is he has a way of meeting it, honoring it and offering a way to work with it, in a way that always feel held, loved and opening. The Soul Alchemy Training brought forth a deepening healing, powerful insights and experiences, as well as profound changes in issues that have ‘ruled’ so much of my life. Although I’ve worked with traumas and survival strategies for so many years, when starting to work with Amoraea on a regular basis, was when the real changes started to manifest.”
~ Anne Solli
“I am still vibrating, buzzing and humming inside with the Great Work that Amoraea initiated us into in his beyond leading edge Soul Mastery experience. My mind, heart, body & spirit remain completely lit up by the sheer poetry, epic scope and brilliance of the content. My emotions became incredibly smooth and centered by entraining to Amoraea’s deeply passionate and completely compassionate Soul-Embodied presence. It was a completely life-changing, life-affirming experience for me and I can’t wait for his next sublimely masterful offering.”
~ Leah Zahner
“Amoraea holds sacred space like no other teacher I have encountered…you feel you are in the wise presence of a noble soul, merged with effervescent, extravagant love and joy. One who is fully committed and engaged, who has walked this path and prepared the way with dedication and love. Clearly his passion is in the awakening of as many as he can into wholeness and sovereign majesty, unique gifts, soul purpose and sacred service. This is real magic and Divine intervention.
I experienced the wedding of my creativity with my soul purpose and a clarion call to arise and shine. The beautiful group that had constellated, all working diligently and heroically within ourselves, became the perfect compassionate witnesses and mirrors for each other. My husband Clive and I embraced this journey together, and we both feel so thankful and blessed to have done so; it has reconsecrated and re-energised our loving union as embodying the divine masculine and divine feminine in our relationship with each other, as well as experiencing this union within ourselves individually.
It has only been 2 days since we completed our 9 day immersion, and I’m missing the gatherings already. The two of us plan to begin this journey all over again with the replays we have been sent, giving ourselves more time to go even deeper into this never-ending journey of ever-unfolding miraculous life. This is one of the best gifts we could have given ourselves.”
~ Cheryl Gissing
“Amoraea’s ability to create such depth of inner soul exploration is breathtaking. I have never before experienced such a profound and magical shift in my life . I will be eternally grateful for the wisdom and purity of heart he has lovingly imparted these past 9 days .
I will carry this enlightenment with me for the rest of my life!”
~ Clive Gissing
“My experience of Amoraea as a Facilitator and Teacher was one of accomplished, skillful management. Amoraea’s expertise also showed up with holding the space of the powerful container as he guided his students, intuiting right timing and movement throughout the training. Amoraea’s personal mastery of the content of the course is easily evident as he expertly guided the group step by step into higher levels of consciousness with an explanation of concepts followed by rich experiential ritual.
My own experience was one of expanded awareness of all that is possible modeled for me, initiating even more movement toward my own mastery. I have been given the ground work, it is now up to me to follow through with my journey going forward.”
~ Mary Rocha
“Amoraea’s ability to articulate the subtle states of consciousness and how to elevate speaks deeply and clearly to me. The way in which the information in the Soul Alchemy class was transmitted, followed by ritual that took me beyond my thinking mind, allowed for transmutation and transformation at the deepest levels of being.
I felt myself face to face with deep fears that have held me back for the over 40 years that I’ve been involved with “spiritual” work. In the rituals I felt myself grow into my full being, dissolving fears, and giving me a broader perspective. With this sense of full activation I am ready to take the next steps in my true service to the Divine. I am in sincere gratitude to Amoraea for his Divine guidance.”
~ Mary Ann “Amba” Morrissey
“The Soul Mastery Training has been a profound journey that come at the right time into my life. Amoraea’s ability to tap into the voice of my deepest longing helped me navigate through my pain body. His extraordinary vibrational presence guided me into my higher plane of consciousness to access my inner wisdom, and bring me into alignment with my soul gift. I have now learned the new tools that I can use again and again to dissolve any shadow that no longer serve me and bring in new divine virtues of living. I am very grateful for this transformation journey and rebirth into a Phoenix with better clarity of my soul journey in this lifetime.”
~ Lihyan